Create A Legacy: Stewards of Hokyoji

A small pebble drops into a vast lake.  From that small pebble, ripples spring forth that spread out to every shore. What legacy would you like to leave to the world?  Of course we want to make sure that our loved ones have been provided for, but after that has been done?  A great deal of satisfaction can be had by leaving gifts in your Will to support causes that have been important in your life. 

Has Hokyoji been a meaningful and loved place in your life? Please consider one of many options that are available to you.  

  • Leave a bequest to Hokyoji in your Will. 
  • Make Hokyoji a beneficiary in a retirement fund, such as an IRA or 401K. These gifts are taxable when passed along to anyone other than a spouse, so this has the added benefit that Hokyoji, as a tax-exempt organization, will not have to pay taxes on the gift, whereas if left to a relative, it would be subject to full income tax and possibly estate taxes as well.
  • Make Hokyoji a beneficiary in a life insurance policy.  This is as simple as filling out a change of beneficiary form with your insurance company and can be either for a specific dollar amount or for a percentage of the policy value.
  • Rather than money, you can bequest specific items or property to Hokyoji in your Will.
  • If you are 70 1/2 years old or older and have an IRA, you can satisfy all or part of your mandatory withdrawal (required minimum distribution or RMD, which begins at age 72) with a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) to Hokyoji. The gift to Hokyoji would then not go toward your annual taxable income.   
This can be a big decision to make, and there can often be lots of questions.  To assist you, we have a downloadable Information Sheet to help get you started.
If you don’t already have a Will, we recommend that you make one, regardless of whether or not you plan to make a legacy gift to Hokyoji. is a site with a good reputation, where you can make a Will for free.  If your estate is complicated, we strongly recommend contacting an attorney to assist in making a Will or other estate documents.
Creating a legacy is a far easier process than most people expect.  If you have questions, feel free to Contact us. We cannot answer legal questions or give legal advice, but we may be able to direct you to an appropriate source for further information.  In all cases, it is always advisable contacting your own legal or financial advisor.

Stewards of Hokyoji

What is Stewards of Hokyoji?  For those who have committed to creating a legacy with Hokyoji, members of the Stewards of Hokyoji will become lifetime members of Hokyoji, and also receive more frequent updates as to the going-ons at Hokyoji, as a thank you for your commitment.