Zen Practice Community
Cultivating community
through mindfulness practices and teachings
Cultivating community
through mindfulness practices and teachings
Hokyoji Zen Practice Community cultivates community through mindfulness practices and teachings in a cherished natural setting with those who yearn for deeper awakening to this very life. Residents and non-residents are invited to participate in our events, which include practice periods and retreats, or to inquire about doing individual practice. Outside groups are also able to rent Hokyoji for their own activities and events. Hokyoji rests on 105 acres of forested land at the corner where Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa meet.
Hokyoji welcomes on campus anyone who is fully vaccinated. Most events also have a Zoom option for those who cannot attend in person. Hokyoji has closely followed the advice of trusted public health experts to keep our facilities as safe as possible during this challenging time. You can read our on-site covid guidelines here.
Hokyoji will not be offering morning zazen or Sunday talks during the Holidays: December 22-January 4. We will resume our usual schedule on Sunday January 5, 2025. Thank you for your continuing support! May you thoroughly enjoy the holidays.
Hokyoji Zen Practice Community seeks to make Zen practice available to everyone. We work to transform barriers based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, religion, economic class, sexual orientation, age, political preference and ability. We find harmony in both our differences and what we share.