There are many ways to provide support to Hokyoji. Gifts of financial support are always welcome, whether through membership or one-time or continuing donations. Our secure payment page is a safe and simple way to make contributions to Hokyoji. We are also grateful for in-kind donations and for offers of pro bono professional services and general volunteer help.

Make donations and payments

Providing the necessary and sustaining financial support is vital to the future of Hokyoji. This can be done through membership, event participation, and one-time or continuing general donations.  Our secure payment page is a safe and simple way to send money to Hokyoji. We are also grateful for in-kind donations and for offers of pro bono professional services and general volunteer help.

Sustaining Membership

Hokyoji’s members provide a third of its operating support. Membership is vital to Hokyoji’s life, for both for its continuing daily functioning and the laying of a solid foundation for its future. Anyone who contributes $40/mo, or $240/year, qualifies as a sustaining member with 20% event discounts and the right to vote on new Board Members at Hokyoji’s annual Membership Meeting.

Donate to Hokyoji’s General Fund

If membership is not your preference, you can be a friend to Hokyoji with a one-time or recurring donation to Hokyoji’s general operations.

Register and Pay for an Event

Please make all event registrations and payments through the Event Calendar.

Manage Donations & Payments

Electronic payments to Hokyoji are the most easily managed. Payments directly from the bank are preferred because there are no credit card fees. If you use a credit card, you need to renew your payment information when it expires or is replaced. Electronic payments to Hokyoji are managed by a third party that is PCI compliant and maintains the highest security for your transactions. If you have any questions about payments to Hokyoji, please email us at