You are invited to study Jijuyu Zanmai, written by Menzan Zuiho, with us. This commentary is a guide offering us ways to pivot towards a more peaceful way of living. The practice of zazen supports us showing up in our lives with compassion and wisdom. This includes our karmic consciousness, our relationship to each other […]
When the weather begins to change, it’s time to take care of Hokyoji and prepare it for the season ahead. Fall means putting things away for a time of rest and caring for the land: clearing trails, brush, and deadfall, reducing invasive plants, or planting new growth. Work days include morning and evening sitting practice, […]
Please join us in an evolving retreat format, an experiment in dedicated mindful meditation within an environment of deep silence. A sitting schedule and silence are the bones of the retreat. There will be no services, no chanting, no dharma talks, no interviews with a teacher, no formal meals, no work periods. Meals, silence, sitting […]
Practicing the Ways: meeting of Vipassana and Zen co-led by Patrice Koelsch and Onryu Kennedy This retreat will explore how these practices intersect and complement each other. Our time together will include succinct investigation of foundation texts, dharma talks, guided meditation, and time for reflection practice. Retreat Leaders Rev. Onryu “GD” Kennedy has received transmission […]
What a world we are living in! The ancient sages knew this too, including the Buddha. The beautiful line from the Song of the Jewel Mirror Samadhi reads, “The ancient sages grieved for them (us), and offered them the Dharma.” This line will be our overarching theme for Rohatsu sesshin this December. We will explore stories […]
Come join us in the silence and peace of the remote, snow-covered valleys of Hokyoji, as we discover and study the neglected women Zen teachers of the past. Hokyoji's Winter Practice Period (Week 1, January 27-February 2. Week 2, February 3-9. Week 3 sesshin, February 10-16). Guiding Teacher Dokai Georgesen will co-lead the first two weeks with […]
Hokyoji Associate Teacher Onryu Kennedy, alongside Rachel Seiren Vilsack, Adam Isshin Kototovich, Musho Darin Podulke-Smith, and Doan Roessler, will facilitate a six-week study group on Dogen Zenji’s fascicle, Genjokoan. Written in 1233 as a letter to a lay practitioner, Genjokoan is celebrated as one of Dogen’s most profound yet accessible works. Whether you’re reading this […]
Will you please join us at our next Caring for the Land weekend? The battle with invasives will be a long term effort of management and hard physical labor. It is also quite rewarding! Our next event will start Thursday, April 10 through Sunday April 13. Come and experience our beautiful landscape while pushing back […]