Dear Sangha,

On Saturday, August 24th at 10:00am Hokyoji will ceremonially inter Keiyu Ken Ford’s ashes at the site of Katagiri Roshi’s stupa. The ceremony will be officiated by Rev. Shoken Winecoff, founding teacher of Ryumonji Zen Monastery, and Hokyoji’s Guiding Teacher Dokai Georgesen.

Because of Ken’s love for Hokyoji and the importance of this place to his practice we extend this invitation to you. We are honored and humbled by Ken’s practice and teachings and want to express our love for Ken in this way.

Ken Keiyu’s wife Barbara and daughter Sara will be present. We will begin the ceremony in the zendo and, no matter the weather, we will then proceed to the Katagiri stupa.

All are welcome.

Please register here if you plan to attend in person. 

If you need a room for an overnight stay , please click here.

If you would like to make a donation to help with the costs of the memorial and headstone, Donate Here.