Maybe you were an early practitioner who helped Katagiri Roshi build a practice here. Maybe you recently came for taiji, qi gong, or an ice bath! You may have come to Just Sit or to experience a formal sesshin.
Whatever the reason, whatever the method, we all share an abiding love and gratitude for this quiet gem we call, “Hokyoji”, the Jewel Mirror Temple.
By joining Friends of Hokyoji, you are taking your commitment to Hokyoji’s staff, programs, and facilities to the next level.
Your involvement is really important – not only your gifts of financial support and volunteer time, but also your commitment to stay up to date on what’s happening here in your Hokyoji community.
Please choose a level of support that works for you, and become a friend today. Join us to help Hokyoji have a solid financial base that will allow us to continue to offer meaningful practice opportunities in this unique landscape of wooded ridges and spacious meadows.
A contribution of at least $5/month or $60/year (plus transaction fees) gets you: