My Experience of Hokyoji by Frank Mauss – April 2018

I never had the opportunity to meet Katagiri Roshi. I attended my first retreat on the 100th day memorial after his passing in early June of 1990. Joen and Cliff Clusin co-lead the retreat. It was designed as an introductory retreat and I had a positive experience with Joen and Cliff’s lectures and the weekend in general. Zuiko taught us how to eat Oryoki meals. Upon arrival, a group of us had dragged out the old tent platforms to keep us off the wet grasses and standing water that had ponded on the heavy clay soils. The first morning of the retreat, I went to the shower room and after showering managed to grab Cliff’s glasses instead of mine. I thought my lens were just foggy given the dampness surrounding us. I figured out soon enough that – YIKES! – these are not my glasses- and was able to catch up with Cliff before we both stumbled off.

 I had grown up in New Albin and worked as a farm hand in the late 60’s at the adjoining farm to Hokyoji, so I was very familiar with the property. Arriving at Hokyoji for the first time, I felt a very serene atmosphere and cherish that feeling each time I visit.

Later that summer of 1990, Nonin arrived and served as abbot for a couple years. He invited the group of us that were from nearby Lansing to join him for 2 sitting periods each Tuesday night. We made an effort to attend. Later that fall, Nonin asked my business partner, Tom Kerndt, and myself to help Thomas Crenshaw and Paul  ?? to help finish framing the work shop. We had a great experience working together. We managed to get the temporary roof on before winter set in late November. We finished the roof and siding in ’91. . My carpentry crew and I added the upper bedroom to the cabin a couple years later.

Our group continued to practice weekly with Nonin until he left for Omaha. Shortly after, Shoken-san arrived back from his 3 year stay in Japan. We had a consistent Wednesday evening practice and I managed a few sesshins. I was lay ordained by Shoken in April of ‘96 along with Bruce Carlson, Charlie Langton and John Moran.

In recent years, Dokai-san has on various occasions invited our local sitting group to join for Wednesday evening sittings . I’ve benefited from those as well as practice days and work periods at Hokyoji.

A few years ago, I worked with Dokai and Carl to improve the zendo and added more living space above the workshop.

I feel the current plans to build a Practitioners hall and dormitory space would greatly enhance Hokyoji . Given my background in building and contracting, I hope to serve as liaison between board members and potential contractors.